Autori: Arh. Ștefan Alberto Bianco, Arh. Catalina Nechifor, Arh Cristina Paraschiv
Birou: Prographic Architecture Studio
Localizare: The Office, Cluj-Napoca
Suprafata: 1350mp
Foto: Cristina Paraschiv
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The main focus of the project was to integrate LSEG’s brand identity while understanding the space as a whole. The organizational structure and visual identity of the company have been effectively integrated into the design of the new headquarter in Cluj-Napoca. The office space harmonizes functionality and comfort, embracing a holistic design that enhances connectivity and employee well-being.
The blue color of the brand took the main lead throughout the space, marking the circulation and collaboration areas, focus points in the office to encourage interaction and communication. We opted for a palette of neutral tones to complement the brand’s bright color.
As the employees are the center of this office, the Hub was created as a center for gathering, socialization and relaxation. The cafeteria (Hub) exudes warmth and hospitality though the chosen finishes and color schemes. The design of this space was also made to integrate and display ‘memorabilia’ objects of the employees through time, like a surfboard from a teambuilding in Bali or a guitar signed by a famous artist at a concert, where the coworkers went together so that the employees feel welcomed and connected.
All in all, our intention was to create an inviting and comfortable workspace, where employees can feel welcomed and connected.
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